Metaframe cube logo framed by white banner against background of grey steel, lattice like structure. Metaframe DashHub - Instant and accurate data management
Metaframe cube logo framed by white banner against background of grey steel, lattice like structure. Metaframe DashHub - Instant and accurate data management
Man sitting at his desk with two computer screens, poring over the data, graphs and charts in front of him.


For hedge funds with time-sensitive reporting needs, DashHub is the automated reporting platform that provides custom enhancements to improve accuracy and speed up the entire process of managing trade lifecycles. DashHub streamlines your operational reporting with a simple click.

Graphic titled Automated Operational Enhancements. It lists all the reports that DashHub can automate to enhance a hedge fund’s operations. The reports include: Trading reports, Allocation reports, Positions reports, Pricing reports, P&L reports, Position Breaks, Risk reports, and Compliance reports.Graphic titled Automated Operational Enhancements. It lists all the reports that DashHub can automate to enhance a hedge fund’s operations. The reports include: Trading reports, Allocation reports, Positions reports, Pricing reports, P&L reports, Position Breaks, Risk reports, and Compliance reports.
Graphic titled Automated Operational Enhancements. It lists all the reports that DashHub can automate to enhance a hedge fund’s operations. The reports include: Trading reports, Allocation reports, Positions reports, Pricing reports, P&L reports, Position Breaks, Risk reports, and Compliance reports.
Graphic titled POSITIONS DATA RETRIEVAL FROM ALL COUNTERPARTIES. It describes the flow of data from Executing system, Counter Parties & Administrators, and Position Systems to DashHub. Then DashHub creates spreadsheets, assembles position data, and catches any data breaks as outputs.
Graphic titled AUTOMATIC REPORTS CREATION. It describes the different ways that DashHub can deliver the reports: through SFTP, Email, Shared Drive, as an Attachment, or an excel file.

DashHub’s capabilities streamline operations, alleviate repetitive tasks, and expedite more accurate reporting. DashHub’s customization extracts data from sources, transforms it, and reports or displays it in whatever format is needed whenever required.


DashHub Task Automation

The purpose of automating repetitive tasks is to speed up operations and improve accuracy. Operations teams handle many attention-intensive, yet repetitive, tasks such as comparing spreadsheets, manually moving files, emailing prepared reports, and sifting through data for data matches or rows to combine across multiple reports to different counterparties. DashHub’s task automation can speed up these operations and improve the reporting accuracy by configuring the reports and data matching requirements ahead of time in DashHub so that when it’s time to prepare the reports, it can be as simple as a click or just verifying the end reports.


The reporting generated from the current general systems employed likely does not go the last mile in terms of customization. DashHub can customize a variety of reports to support everyone from the back office to the trading desks, from reconciliation reports, operational reports, and risk reports, to intraday portfolio updates. It configures, formats, and delivers the reports to the right counterparty, at the right time, with the right information.

DashHub Reporting


DashHub Generated Excels

Normally, generated reports are static and lack interactivity. When a value is changed that is a formula component of another column, the other column doesn't update. DashHub offers the ability to deliver Excel worksheets with active formulas and formatting, including borders, font sizing, & colors. The active formulas are a game changer for teams that need to run what-if scenarios with the reports. The DashHub Excels can also be used to run an intraday trading worksheet with all metrics calculating automatically when quantities are updated, for example. DashHub can embed any Excel formula available to the user. If the user has Bloomberg Excel installed, DashHub Excels can deliver worksheets with full Bloomberg integration.


There are cases where funds build complex models in Excel workbooks. They update the workbooks day-to-day, add to the models, and track metrics over time. DashHub Driven Excels powers existing Excel workbooks with DashHub data. Pulling data from multiple, different sources, DashHub inserts raw data into the existing workbooks at designated Sheet and Cell locations, leaving the rest of the workbook untouched. Clients are free to link to the data with formulas and build their models. Clients access the same workbook on the shared drive every day, just refreshed automatically with DashHub data every night.

DashHub Driven Excels

A hedge fund needs to process and synthesize large amounts of data. The one-size-fits-all systems utilized by hedge funds get the hedge fund almost all the way there. Metaframe's DashHub is an enhancement that gives hedge funds the ability to process data faster and more accurately for reporting, reconciliation, compliance, and high-level overviews. This is the operational function of DashHub. The underlying processes executed by DashHub can provide insight into a fund's data, giving them the edge the fund needs to increase gains and outpace the market.


Trade life cycle

Start of the Day with Metaframe DashHub
DashHub automates the loading of positions to begin the trade life cycle. The program automatically extracts current positions from your PMS and loads them onto your OMS, EMS, or spreadsheet. The trader or analyst is now informed and can make the day's first decisions. Regardless of the size of your portfolio or trade volume, the trade lifecycle starts in just minutes.

End of the Day with Metaframe DashHub
Commence end-of-day allocations with pre-set rules in the auto-generated blotter. Trade reports to primes, admins, investment groups, and executing brokers are auto-generated. Finalizing end-of-day allocations and reports to counterparties takes minutes. Get end-of-day reporting and trade clearing to all brokers for allocations, using a point-and-click interface to generate and send reports.


Automatically retrieve the position data from counterparties and compare each data point to the overall portfolio in the PMS for each fund and its respective counterparties. If the data aligns, the cleanly matched positions are ready in zero time to start the day. Send highlighted email reports to immediately see which positions are breaking.

Data reconciliation


Data inserted into a larger data set for high level overviews.

Evaluate the big picture by creating and sending high-level views of your trading activities to various counterparties. Combine daily portfolio summaries in one, simple overview with key metrics such as average premiums, average spreads, year-to-date and month-to-date P&L, and greeks; all delivered to your inbox. Create alerts on upcoming expiries and maturities and compile compliance, pricing, or risk reports. DashHub generates views and reports for the insights you need to maximize all strategies.


The onerous task of onboarding new funds is alleviated with DashHub in place. Interfacing with DashHub manages the reporting requirements with counterparties and their relevant departments ensuring data compliance and data integrity so that once a fund launches, the hedge fund operations team can begin with one, simple click. The built-in integration with DashHub requires no additional staffing.


Brokers Dashhub
is integrated with:

List of prime brokers

Administrators Dashhub
is integrated with:

List of administrators

Systems Dashhub
is integrated with:

List of portfolio systems
Separate squares snapping together into Metaframe logo


Synthesizing data instantly and accurately in imperative for successful hedge fund operations. Dashhub works with your current systems to deliver your data for trades, allocations, and reconciliation where and when you need it, without data breaks. How? Let us show you.

Male and female workers sitting in at their desks working in front of their computer screens in a open office with long tables.

Metaframe's mission is to provide instant and accurate data management to the financial industry. Our company specializes in connecting systems from major brokerage firms, financial service providers, hedge funds, and banking institutions to provide insight through bespoke reports and increase efficiency with automation.

Metaframe's flagship product, DashHub, is an automated reporting platform that provides custom enhancements to improve accuracy and speed up the process of managing trades and positions. Dashub streamlines a hedge fund's operational reporting through automatic data capturing, data synthesis, and report delivery.

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Metaframe Technology Solutions
99 Wall Street #278
New York, NY 10005